Hannah Muirhead, Head of Brand Strategy at The Brand Agency is shaping up to be a sizzling guest!
If you're struggling to come up with questions, here's some background on a couple of recent campaigns she is stoked to talk about.
The Hunger Ghrelins for Foodbank WA
Foodbank WA is a local charity that helps put food into hungry bellies, and has been a long-standing client of The Brand Agency.
Ghrelins are the hormone that produces the feeling of hunger.
This Foodbank campaign toyed with the idea of creating a character around this concept, bringing the biological to life to highlight hunger.
This campaign includes your standard media mix of OOH, digital, etc - but it also has its own Hunger Ghrelins website and at the centre of the campaign, a Hunger Ghrelin toy that can be purchased to generate donations and raise awareness.
In the increasingly competitive landscape of NFPs, this campaign uses a unique blend of play and science to make sure Foodbank can continue to support a growing number of hungry WA families.
The campaign was widely praised by our industry media, and now that it's been in market for some time - Hannah will not only be able to discuss the campaign ideation, but the results they've achieved for their client.
No One Plans A Crash for the Road Safety Commission
This campaign is one of my absolute favourite campaigns of recent times - and the best driver safety campaigns I've ever seen.
In case you haven't seen any of the TVCs, here's one:
Influencing attitudes is what marketing is all about - from convincing someone to choose your brand of socks, all the way up to saving lives.
Rather than focusing on the crashes themselves, the loved ones left behind tell the stories. There's no police, no screeching tyres...just the quiet of grief - wonderfully written, shot and delivered.
Affecting social change isn't easy! And campaigns like this can be hard to measure, but having the real-world data on the reduction in distracted driver related deaths, Hannah can speak to effectiveness of this campaign, and talk through how it was born and brought to life.
I may or may not have gotten wet eyes on more than one occasion watching these.
Brand Strategy
Obviously Brand Strategy is much broader than campaign activity, and Hannah is more than able to speak more broadly about the topic in general and in reference to The Brand Agency's client portfolio.
So come armed with fuel for the fire, stoke the strategy flames, and if you're shy - send us an email to get our wonderful MC to ask the question on your behalf.